Miyerkules, Agosto 1, 2018

Shouldering the Repatriations Costs and Starting the Healing Process

When I was just a young kid sheltered from the harsh realities and cold, hard truths of the real world by my parents who protect me from all sorts of harm, shelter me from the storms and give me everything that I need to live a comfortable life, I used to think that everything is fine and dandy because I was oblivious to the suffering, misery and injustice suffered by my fellowmen in different countries around the globe. But as I grew older and acquired knowledge and wisdom from my teachers, professors and academic advisers in the university, I learned that not everything is rainbows, sunshine and butterflies in a serene and peaceful meadow filled with colourful flowers and majestic animals. Wars are waged around the world by bloodthirsty armies and selfish leaders and the endless fighting and battles are tearing entire nations apart as countless families are caught between the crossfire and millions of lives are ruined beyond repair in their wake.

And that is the reason why brave souls have put their biggest dreams and personal goals on hold because they want to protect the inalienable rights and liberties of their fellowmen and these unsung heroes of this modern day and age are more than willing to lay down their life for the sake of peace and freedom. With that said, world leaders and government officials should shoulder the steep repatriation costs of bringing home the bodies of the fallen champions so that they can be buried in their home soil and their friends and loved ones can pay their final respects and say goodbye for the last time because they deserve a decent final resting place instead of rotting in an unmarked grave in the battlefield of foreign lands. But the healing process for the families that they have left behind does not stop there and that is why world leaders need to do right by these soldiers and make sure that all of their sacrifices and heroism are not in vain and wasted just like that.

Aside from ensuring the smooth repatriation of deceased soldiers so that they can come home and be given the twenty-one gun salute that they deserve, their families should also be taken care of for the rest of their lives especially the young and innocent children that have been left behind. Aside from giving widowed wives and husbands the financial assistance that they need as well as the emotional and psychological support necessary to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives, process their loss and move on towards the future, the children of brave soldiers should also be sent to prestigious schools so that they can get the quality education that they need because this will give them a better fighting chance of surviving in the outside world and making a name for themselves.

After making sure that the repatriation ofdeceased body and hero’s burial of every fallen soldier goes without any snags and hiccups, world leaders should also work with one another so that they can finally cast aside their differences, lay down their arms and devote all of their energy and efforts towards world peace. It is a pipe dream and a long shot for some people but it is not impossible therefore we should all give our best to unite under one banner of peace and harmony not just for ourselves but for the sake of the future generations to come.

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